Sims 4 nipples and vagina to basegame skin
Sims 4 nipples and vagina to basegame skin

Sims 4 nipples and vagina to basegame skin Sims 4 nipples and vagina to basegame skin

STARDUST: as an actual "gramma", I must say I agree your gramma is weird. "Vergina" - one lady said she used to think this is what people were saying when they said "vagina" - and thinks it makes more sense.

Sims 4 nipples and vagina to basegame skin

I wondered why guys liked to sit on the floor.till one time I sat across from her and could CLEARLY see she wasn't wearing panties. She wears very short skirts and like to sit with her legs crossed or wide open. She's so proper, one time I had to ask our hostess to ask her in private to pay attention to how she was sitting. "Quim" - a very cute young lady said that was "The proper English word". OH! WOW! HUZAH! For the first time in days I can access this ONE thread, without my internet connection crashing! Went to a party last night and complained to the production nerds (local TV crew) about this. Now, who on earth would come up with those ridiculous names? Here, I'll help. I call "lady parts" a vagina and I named my dangly bits, "Penis"

Sims 4 nipples and vagina to basegame skin